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Long Range Pursuit

Oct 21, 2021

The question of bullet choice comes up daily in various forms. In this Ask Aaron episode, Aaron breaks down the 3 primary bullet types used in modern long range hunting, the strengths and weaknesses for different applications of each. We discuss terminal ballistics and the behavior each bullet type typically exhibits...

Oct 14, 2021

The sales guys are back and they talk about what the difference is between their first "old reliable" and a Gunwerks rifle system and what made them make the final switch.

Oct 7, 2021

Brian, Ian & Landon discuss the various turret & drop compensation methods employed in long range hunting. They discuss the merits of BDC, or yardage based turrets in hunting scenarios despite the drawbacks and how those shortcomings can be eliminated by "slipping the turret" or using a ballistic solution like the Revic...